Wednesday, March 9, 2011

40 days and 40 nights....

Ever see the Josh Hartnett movie where he gives up doing the dirty for Lent?? I don't feel bad for him AT. ALL. in this moment, because I have decided to take a big leap this year and give up the greatest food God has ever given us. 

Yep. Cheeseburgers. With thick yummy slices of cheese, ketchup, and a gallon of ranch ready by my side to dip it into.  I will not be loving on you for 40 days.  It was a tough call, but fries were just something I could not part with so I chose you instead.

So to M Burger, DMK Burger Bar, The Counter, Five Guys, The McDonalds I pass on Ashland, The Rock-and-Roll McDonalds I see almost every day, the Burger King on Fullerton, and any every bar in Chicago that has a burger on their menu... I'll miss you. 

Until we meet again, just in time for my quarter life crisis,
